Here are a few photos of just some of the work that we at Roost have carried out over the years. This is of course only a select few, if you're interested in seeing photos of specific projects, please email us your request.
Mount Pleasant Cottage build
This is an english heritage approved build as part of a grade two listed property. The building was taken down, rebuilt exactly as before but with modern insulation and framing and extended in two directions.
For this fan to go in, the entire ceiling had to come down and lots of structural work was needed to get it in. Then a new ceiling and lighting, the end result was indeed worth the time and effort.
This was a large bathroom proect that involved removing walls, adding a velux window to bring in natural light and a premium specification to top things off
This was a Wickes kitchen that we had fitted, as well as a complete refurbishment of the room, new electrical circuit, ceiling, walls and floor. Finished off with beautiful glass tiles.